Viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2, are associated with an acute immune response, which is a result of the body's natural defense system. This leads to an increased production of various inflammatory cytokines, which can be influenced in different ways, both aiding in the rapid resolution of inflammation and 'interfering' with the process, often unintentionally.
Incorrect management during the illness can result in numerous systemic complications, often manifesting months after the illness, as widely observed in patients with so-called long haul COVID. It is crucial to support the body's self-healing processes from the moment of pathogen identification, both through nutrition and micronutrient support, lymphatic system support, and mitochondrial-level antioxidant support. We choose targeted anti-inflammatory therapy and modulate the immune system. Surprisingly, many of these modulations involve basic and simple measures that we can take care of.
Nutrition. An anti-inflammatory diet is our primary tool in fighting disease. When I say "diet," I also refer to the quantity of food consumed. For those of you who follow and watch me, the health potential of fasting or simply limiting the amount of food/ calories in a day, is not unfamiliar. Well, if a cat gets hit by a car, it manages to get itself (the cat, not the car) to a safe place and rests - definitely not eating, rarely drinking and sleeping a lot. This allows the energy in the form of ATP needed for recovery processes to be used for that purpose rather than for digestion and dealing with inflammation resulting from both the quantity and quality of food.
I'll leave the stories about glucose damaging mitochondria and increasing oxidative stress for another post or simply refer you to my Instagram. However, both in daily life and especially in times of crisis, our full attention should be focused on reducing oxidative stress in mitochondria. What reduces it most effectively is calorie restriction and long intervals between meals, including fasting. So if you're lying in bed feeling unwell, the last thing that will help is pizza or a "cheer-up" cookie, which will only increase your level of inflammation.
An anti-inflammatory diet is primarily rich in fats and low in calories, especially those from carbohydrates. In short, we cut out all sugar (including that from fruits), dairy (which is highly pro-inflammatory), all processed foods (I shouldn't even be writing this), and of course, any bread, pasta, etc. It's best to switch to bone broth, preferably beef bone marrow, which you consume only when you genuinely feel hungry, and aim to fast as much as possible. Of course, stay hydrated with warm water with a pinch of salt (adding minerals so we can actually hydrate). We avoid sophisticated dishes and products to simplify the digestive process for the body, including the digestion of proteins, so we don't consume them in regular daily quantities.
The number of studies showing the relationship between Covid-19 and the gut microbiota is TREMENDOUS. That's why our focus, especially when recovering from the disease, should be on a diet that supports the microbiome. Of course, for those suffering from chronic dysbiosis or intestinal inflammation, it will be much more challenging to recover from the disease and adjust the right diet to support the intestines in such a situation. Remember that what's crucial for nourishing our bacteria is fiber. I have written about both the microbiome and diets for bacteria in posts dedicated to these topics - you can find them below. Just keep in mind that nothing in the body is black and white. Popular and recommended fermented foods, for example, can be less beneficial and difficult to digest for some people (e.g., in cases of intestinal inflammation or histamine sensitivity). Therefore, consult with your specialist to determine which diet is right for YOUR microbiome.
Supporting and proper functioning of the lymphatic system are well-known to my patients. Alongside the digestive system, the lymphatic system is the center of our immune system, triggering anti-inflammatory responses after pathogenic attacks and subsequently clearing metabolic waste that we want to get rid of. This system is primarily stimulated by movement. Of course, when we are sick, physical activity is minimal, following the principle that the cat lies down and rests. So, how do we support the lymphatic system? Breathe, breathe, breathe. The key is to activate lymphatic vessels, especially in the small intestine (where they are most abundant) through diaphragmatic breathing (inhale, fill the abdominal cavity, pause briefly, exhale, release the air from the abdomen completely, gently, always through your nose). Allowing unrestricted movement in the chest area, both at the lower and upper ribs, upper thoracic outlet (the space above the sternum and collarbones), is even more important when dealing with a virus attacking the respiratory system. Therefore, it's crucial to create as much space as possible for the mediastinum organs, such as the lungs, heart, and esophagus.
While curling up and resting are the main activities during illness, stretching out a few times a day with a good chest and arm opening can do a lot for physiological processes.
Focusing on mitochondrial support in the treatment of COVID-19, there are several key substances. As you know, I always apply TARGETED and personalised micronutrient therapy to patients and emphasize that it cannot be self-selected. Here I'm providing you a universal (for generally healthy adults) prescription for micronutrient supplementation, proven to be effective and safe for use for a minimum of 4 weeks - further targeted treatment should be determined by a specialist!
Consistently, for anti-inflammatory support, instead of NSAIDs or in conjunction with them, we use Omega-3 fatty acids in the amount of 3-4 g EPA daily. One of the primary and certainly the most important mitochondrial cofactor is magnesium, so we use 500-600 mg of Mg daily, preferably in the form of citrate or glycinate. Coenzyme Q10 in the form of ubiquinol at 500 mg daily as the primary regulator of the immune response. Vitamin D3 at a minimum of 10,000 units daily, with the dosage being adjusted based on current blood level tests, which every responsible patient, of course, has regularly checked (at least every six months). This support is the STARTING POINT to both aid anti-inflammatory processes and prevent further complications, as well as long COVID.
I consistently recommend mitoceuticals and micronutrient supplements from Dr. Enzmann's brand, with established quality, which I use with my patients. On the distributor's website,, you can use the code "karo10" to get a 10% discount on your purchases, so take advantage of it (this is not a paid partnership, but a discount provided for my patients).
I often hear from patients, even a month or two after recovering from an illness, that they haven't resumed exercise because they still feel weak. I consistently emphasize how important dedicated physical activity is in every health condition. However, it must be tailored to the patient's condition. Returning to physical activity is crucial for immune support. So, don't delay getting back to walking, try at least 20 minutes of yoga, or return to the gym for a very gentle workout. Always observe your body's response and your capabilities. Comebacks are never easy. But nobody promised it would be easy. Remember that for the body, movement is life, and immobility is death.